Tools for Employers
There are several tools available to employers to help them educate their employees about savings bonds and TreasuryDirect, our browser-based application for buying electronic EE and I Bonds.
- Employee-related information on payroll savings in TreasuryDirect is available on our web page "The Payroll Savings Option In TreasuryDirect."
- E-mails Word File, 45K, Uploaded 10/14/04 – Suggested text to use in monthly e-mail and newsletter messages about TreasuryDirect and savings bonds.
- Articles Links to several interesting articles about U.S. Treasury securities including savings bonds and retirement, and their tax advantages. These articles can be included in your company's publications or posted on the company intranet.
- Letters – Sample letter to employees about TreasuryDirect and savings bonds.
- Web Page Zip File, 232K, Uploaded 10/01/04 – This zip file contains all the html and graphics files that you need to post an informative Web page about TreasuryDirect on your Intranet.
TreasuryDirect offers the most requested brochures and pamphlets available for download in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Trusts Q & A (49 KB)
To access more publications and our forms, visit our page Forms for Savings Bonds.
Some of these documents are in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF). Many computers include the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which allows you to view PDF files. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader, it is free to download and use. Find more help downloading.
Savings Bond Clip Art
Savings bond clip art is a great way to promote the sale of U.S. Savings Bonds. The following clip art may be used for savings bond promotions. Images not marked B&W are in color.

I Bond Logo
- GIF 1521x771, 43K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 4320x2010, 59K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 400x186, 3K, 3/6/2001
- EPS, 8878K, 3/6/2001
- B&W EPS, 8872K, 3/6/2001

I Bond Logo (in Spanish)
- GIF 2175x1028, 94K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 2175x1028, 23K, 3/6/2001

Text logo, U.S. Savings Bonds
- B&W GIF 219x77, 2K, 3/6/2001

Save for Your Future
- B&W GIF 1500x477, 15K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 1200x382, 11K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 900x286, 7K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 600x191, 4K, 3/6/2001

Invest in Your Future (in Spanish)
- GIF 1511x582, 35K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 1425x525, 29K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 1125x415, 49K, 3/15/2001
- B&W GIF 825x304, 32K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 525x193, 19K, 3/6/2001

Savings Bonds Eagle
- GIF 800x600, 6K, 2/21/2001
- EPS, 178K, 2/21/2001

Savings Bonds Eagle encircled by "United States Savings Bonds"
- GIF 150x160, 2K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 504x485, 6K, 3/6/2001
- B&W GIF 168x162, 1K, 3/6/2001
- EPS, 715K, 3/6/2001

Buy United States Savings Bonds
- B&W GIF 250x98, 1K, 3/6/2001
U.S. Savings Bond Images
We offer color and B&W images of each denomination of Series EE and I Bonds and a historic bond from 1942. The images reflect legal restrictions on the sizes of reproductions of U.S. government securities. Please note that to further protect against forgeries, you may use color reproductions only for savings bond promotional purposes.
First read our guidelines for use of intellectual property.
To access the savings bond images please click below:
I have read the requirements for reproduction of U.S. Savings Bonds and agree to use the images of savings bonds only in accordance with those requirements.
Create a link
Link to the TreasuryDirect home page from your organization’s website. Your employees will be able to easily access up-to-date answers to their Savings Bonds questions. Use one of the icons above or one of our Savings Bonds Web banners to draw attention to the link.
Historical Savings Bond Posters
For historical savings bonds posters, visit the National Archives virtual exhibit hall "Powers of Persuasion" featuring Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms posters used to promote savings bonds during World War II.